Note: As of February 28, 2007 the Link Organizer script is no longer offered for sale and development has been retired. will continue to provide bug support to existing customers.
upgraded! Link Organizer 1.24 UNIX/LINUX A comprehensive link list organizer that will allow you to customize and administrate a small to large link site. It sorts your links by alphabetical letter, but it can display them randomly or evenly and also rotate them automatically for you. This is currently being used on numerous link sites with links from hundreds to upwards of 8,000+ links and saving webmasters tons of time. * Compile and create a special new HTML page
and every category HTML page using the information in the link database and your templates
using the lightning fast Link Organizer script engine Click here for Webmaster testimonials 1.24 upgrade (8/20/02) 1.23 upgrade (5/22/02) 1.22 upgrade (1/22/02) 1.21 upgrade (1/6/02) 1.2 upgrade (1/1/02) 1.1 upgrade (9/29/00) 1.03 patch necessary for 1.1 (5/2/00) 1.02 upgrade (4/2/00) |
Full featured ban module: stop receiving unwanted link submissions! Send banned submitters to any URL you define new!
Template editing - you can edit any template right from your browser, no FTP needed!
Special operator mode, keep track of approval/decline percentages
Faster page loading! No server side includes are used, so there's no CGI parsing
slowing down your page accesses and sending your surfers elsewhere. This makes Link Organizer perfect for high traffic sites. 100% of the
output is standard HTML and can be fully customized by you using your favorite HTML or
text editor
allows for templates for every category page, you change the look in HTML
pages generated can include Javascript, Java, SSI, PHP, and other 3rd party CGI scripts. Each page generated can be a different extension so if you have certain pages you want to be php and certain to be html, it's no problem!
script automatically updates all web pages at preset times of day, week, month or hour using crontab, or manually by pressing a button in the detailed browser-based admin area. Make changes without rotating links anytime you want
special admin search engine for finding any link by sort letter, similar or exact word(s). List all links alphabetically in a category and edit/delete directly from this screen)
easily edit, add and delete any link in the database
includes .htaccess password protection admin area, but you can use 3rd party protection instead
detailed approve functions so that you can screen out unwanted links, view reciprocal links in a separate browser window and send either form or custom email to the poster
built in autoresponder, you can customize the email to read any way you want
approve dozens of links waiting approval by pushing one submit button.
links approved automatically get a new image after them for a number of days you define
duplicate URLs can be blocked at the webmaster submit stage
script will redirect after a successful submission to where ever you want them to go
does not use LWP or other special add-on Perl modules that you'll have to bug your system admin to install for you. Link Organizer has run on every UNIX/linux client's server (virtual and dedicated) we've installed on so far ... only uses a relatively current version of Perl
Full-featured DEMO is available by phone request, see the admin area here
Script upgrades and technical support within the script version 1.xxxx are free!
Detailed actual admin screen, click here!
Don't take our word for it, here's what a few of many satisfied Webmasters say:
"Finally a script that takes the headache
out of running a link list and gets you back to pimpin fast!"
-Johnny Utah 2002-02-19 at 20:12:21 PT (using
version 1.2+)
"I do always tell people about your
absolutely outstanding support that you provide. Your scripts work the way they are
suppose to and when I open them up to do some customizing they are easy to understand even
for a non-programmer like me. I don't know of anybody that has been so quick to get back
to me and you have even called my on the phone which is just amazing."
-Cleo 2002-01-30 at 21:57:26 PT (using version 1.2+)
"...TDavid... the Link Organizer update
totally Rocks!! Thanks Mon!!!"
- WillyB Friday Dec 28 06:10:39 2001 PT (using version 1.2)
TDavid, I love the script, if you have more options available for it please tell me I
would love to add on the options :) - the script works like a dream and without a glitch
- Maqua Sun Feb 11 18:01:14 2001 Message #7064
(using version 1.1)
"...just another satisfied user of TDavid's
script..... :-)"
- MikeS Sat Jan 20 13:53:46 2001 PST Message #406 (using
version 1.1)
"I'm another very satisfied user of TD's
Link Organizer. Been running it for over a year now I think and have had almost zero
trouble with it, and when I did, I just hit him on ICQ and he had it fixed in
- Smoothie Fri Jan 19 16:47:40 2001 PST Message
#399 (using version 1.1)
"TDavid, your Link Organizer
script has turned a boring, dreaded job into something that I now look forward to. I run a
rather small links list and thought it would be silly to buy a script to maintain it.
Needless to say, the time involved to even update the list for ONE submission was what I
considered a waste of time, so often I would just NOT even bother to update... Anyway,
after thinking about all the lost revenue from not keeping the site updated and current, I
decided to try your script. Do I like it? Ummm.. YEAH! Since purchasing the first one,
I've bought 2 more :-) That speaks for itself. The interface is smooth, easy, and fast.
Thank you for all your help and support during the transistion. Highly recommend this
script for all links list owners, whether small or large!"
- Lace Monday, October 16, 2000 3:13 AM (using version 1.1)
TDavid - The script seems to be working great, I
like it alot and I'm very glad that I went this route. I will shoot you a email for one
small request otherwise "Excellent Job" everyone who has a link list See TDavid
for one hell of a script :)"
- Maqua Sun Sep 17 04:04:33 2000 Message
#15041 (using version 1.1)
"Dude, its awesome ;-) I really appreciate all your help
and 'on the spot support' too. Its running so smoothly now, its almost like its not there
at all ;-))) It has turned what used to be 2 hr event (of manually updating) every Wed and
Sun. into a daily 3 minute function. It paid for itself the first week. I'm so busy doing
graphics that my links site often goes by the wayside, and now thanks to your Link
Organizer I can update every day in a mere fraction of the time it used to take!"
- MikeW Wyldesites Sat
Sept 9 19:11:00 2000 (using version 1.1)
"I use TDavids link script {Link Organizer}
and it literally took 2-3 hours off my work. And the best thing is you always know where
to find him if you have any questions about it. I give it an A+ as well as his customer
service. And no I don't make any commission on saying that!"
- "Reverend" Fri Feb 18
04:33:02 2000 message #17812
"... not only is it a
great script he is a great programmer.. I had an issue with the email section of it.. I
Icq'd him.. explained it.. we worked it out TADA! issue fixed, problem solved even tho is
was just a small thing with my hosting.. he was there and willing to help!
- TimeWalker Wed Feb 16 12:15:35 2000 EST - Message #1364
"...This thing is a
dream come true for me, does tons of amazing stuff "
- "Smoothie"
Would you like us to install the Link Organizer 1.24 upgrade for you? Then click here to pay for the installation upgrade package. Upgrade installation price (The script upgrade and instructions are FREE to existing Link Organizer users, but if you want us to install the upgrade for you the price is below)
*$35 [Pay By Check 1.24 Upgrade Installation] *This price does not include if you have customized your version of Link Organizer. Customized versions will be upgraded at a rate of $35 per hour regardless of when the license was purchased. Contact us if you have any questions. Installations are done on a first come, first serve basis and therefore turnaround time will depend on current installation volume. NOTE: If you purchased Link Organizer after July 1, 2002 your Link Organizer 1.24 upgrade installation is FREE.
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